Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-04-261

ARC-EN-CIEL : a Proposal for a 4th Generation Light Source in France
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, David Garzella, Bernard Gilquin, Pascal Monot, Laurent Nahon (CEA/DSM), Michel Desmons, Marcel Jablonka, Francois Méot, Alban Mosnier (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA), Antoine Rousse (LOA, Palaiseau), Jean-Raphael Marquès (LULI, Palaiseau), Jean-Michel Ortega (LURE, Orsay), Oleg Chubar, Alexandre Loulergue (SOLEIL)
An accelerator based 4th generation source is proposed
to provide the user community with coherent femtosecond
light pulses in the UV to X ray range. The project is based
on a CW 0.7-1 GeV superconducting linac delivering
high charge, subpicosecond, low emittance electron
bunches with high repetition rate. A High Gain Harmonic
Generation setup, seeded with high harmonics in gases,
will cover a spectral range down to 0.8 nm. SASE
Radiation will also be provided down to 5 nm. In
addition, two beam loops are foreseen either to enhance
the energy to 1.4-2 GeV or to increase the beam current in
using the energy recovery technique. They will
accommodate fs synchrotron radiation sources in the IR,
VUV and X ray ranges together with a FEL oscillator in
the 10 nm range. Main features of the project and
scientific goals are given.


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