Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-03-367

Modelling of HTRs with Monte Carlo: sensitivity due to different isotopic fuel composition
R. Plukienë, D. Ridikas, A. Plukis and V. Remeikis
The gas turbine modular helium-cooled reactor (GT-MHR) is a potential candidate for the maximum plutonium destruction in once-through cycle. A particular feature of GT-MHR is that its refractory coated fuel (TRISO particles) is supposed to provide an impermeable barrier to the release of fission products and, at the same time, to resist very deep burn-up rates (more than 90% for Pu-239). In this work we performed detailed simulations of GT-MHR operation by loading with different plutonium fuel vector: plutonium from military applicationns and plutonium from LWR and RBMK spent nuclear fuel. The comparison of the main GT-MHR performance parameters: Keff eigenvalues, the length of the fuel cycle, neutron characteristics and the evolution of fuel composition in particular were obtained for different plutonium isotopic vector. In all cases the same Monteburns (MCNP+ORIGEN) code system is used. We show that the performance of GT-MHR may be considerably influenced by the plutonium isotopic composition vector used as fuel material. This is the first time when a transmutation possibility of the RBMK-1500 plutonium isotopic composition was tested using high temperature reactor.


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